Hair Care
Hair Care Solutions
Dandruff Cure Duo (2 in 1 Combo)
Hair Fall Duo (2 in 1 Combo)
Hair Growth Duo (2 in 1 Combo)
Collagen Gummies with Biotin & Vitamin C Supports Hair, Skin & Nails
Travel Kit Hair Bundle (6 in 1 Combo)
Regular Hair Care Routine
Hair Damage Active Recover Duo
Dandruff Treatment (3 in 1 Combo)
Optimum Hair Growth (3 in 1 Combo)
Anti Hair Fall (3 in 1 Combo)
Dandruff Treatment Mask
Anti Hair Fall Mask
Hair Growth Mask
Top 7 Mega Hair Oil (7 in 1 Combo)
Ginger Oil 125 ml
Coconut Oil 250 ml
Neem Oil 125 ml
Onion Oil 125 ml
Aloe Vera Oil 125 ml
Joba Oil 125 ml
Amla Oil 125 ml
Joba Oil 30 ml
Amla Oil 30 ml
Aloe Vera Oil 30 ml
Onion Oil 30 ml
Neem Oil 30 ml
Ginger Oil 30 ml
Weekly Winner Products
Optimum Hair Growth (3 in 1 Combo)
Benefits of this Product
- জবা অয়েল – চুলে ক্যারাটিন বুস্ট করে ও নিউ হেয়ার গ্রো করে।
- হেয়ার গ্রোথ মাস্ক – হেয়ার গ্রোথ স্টিমুলেট করে ও চুলে পুষ্টি যোগায়।
- জিঞ্জার অয়েল – প্রপার নারিশমেন্ট স্ক্যাল্পের হেলথ ইমপ্রুভ করে।
Delivery & Return:
- Dhaka 2-3 days, Outside 3-5 days, COD
- 100% Authentic products, Easy Return
Dandruff Treatment (3 in 1 Combo)
Benefits of this Product
- নিম অয়েল – দ্রুততম সময়ে খুশকি দূর করে।
- ড্যান্ড্রাফ ট্রিটমেন্ট মাস্ক – খুশকি ফিরে আসা রোধ করে স্ক্যাল্প।
- এলোভেরা অয়েল – স্ক্যাল্পকে হাইড্রেটেড রেখে খুশকি হওয়া রোধ করে।
Delivery & Return:
- Dhaka 2-3 days, Outside 3-5 days, COD
- 100% Authentic products, Easy Return
Anti Hair Fall (3 in 1 Combo)
Benefits of this Product
- আমলা অয়েল – কোলাজেন প্রডিউস করে হেয়ার ফল কমিয়ে আনে।
- অনিয়ন অয়েল – স্প্লিট এন্ডস ও হেয়ার ড্যামেজ দূর করে।
- এন্টি হেয়ার-ফল মাস্ক – চুলের গোড়া মজবুত করে হেয়ার ফলিকল পুষ্টি যোগায়।
- এক্সট্রিম হেয়ারফল, হেয়ার ড্যামেজ ও উইক হেয়ার রুটের সল্যুশন।
Delivery & Return:
- Dhaka 2-3 days, Outside 3-5 days, COD
- 100% Authentic products, Easy Return
Top 7 Mega Hair Oil (7 in 1 Combo)

Benefits of this Product
- আমলা অয়েল – এক মাসে হেয়ারফল দূর করে।
- জবা অয়েল – হেয়ার গ্রোথ স্টিমুলেট করে, অকালে চুল পাকা রোধ করে।
- অনিয়ন অয়েল – চুলের আগা ফাটা, চুল ভেঙে যাওয়া রোধ করে।
- এলোভেরা অয়েল – চুলকে সিল্কি, শাইনি ও স্মুথ করে তোলে।
- নিম অয়েল – ড্যান্ড্রাফ, উকুন ও স্ক্যাল্পের ফাঙ্গাল ইনফেকশন দূর করে।
- জিঞ্জার অয়েল – স্ক্যাল্প হেলথ ইমপ্রুভ করে, রক্ত চলাচল স্বাভাবিক রেখে চুলকে থিক এন্ড লং করে তোলে।
- কোকোনাট অয়েল – চুলের প্রপার হাইড্রেশন লেভেল মেনটেইন করে চুলকে সফট ও হেলদি রাখে।
Delivery & Return:
- Dhaka 2-3 days, Outside 3-5 days, COD
- 100% Authentic products, Easy Return
Premium Skin Care Routine (4 in 1 Combo)
Benefits of this Product
- এলোভেরা জেল ক্লিঞ্জার – একনি প্রণ সেনসিটিভ স্কিনকে ডিপলি ক্লিন করে।
- চারকোল ফেসিয়াল – ব্ল্যাক ও হোয়াইট হেডস দূর করে পোরস টাইটেনিং করে।
- জোজোবা অয়েল – ডিপ ময়েশ্চারাইজেশনের সাথে দেয় ইমুপ্রুভড স্কিন টেক্সচার।
Delivery & Return:
- Dhaka 2-3 days, Outside 3-5 days, COD
- 100% Authentic products, Easy Return
Travel Kit Hair Bundle (6 in 1 Combo)
Benefits of this Product
- আমলা অয়েল – এক মাসে হেয়ারফল দূর করে।
- জবা অয়েল – হেয়ার গ্রোথ স্টিমুলেট করে, অকালে চুল পাকা রোধ করে।
- অনিয়ন অয়েল – চুলের আগা ফাটা, চুল ভেঙে যাওয়া রোধ করে।
- এলোভেরা অয়েল – চুলকে সিল্কি, শাইনি ও স্মুথ করে তোলে।
- নিম অয়েল – ড্যান্ড্রাফ, উকুন ও স্ক্যাল্পের ফাঙ্গাল ইনফেকশন দূর করে।
- জিঞ্জার অয়েল – স্ক্যাল্প হেলথ ইমপ্রুভ ও রক্ত চলাচল স্বাভাবিক করে তোলে।
Delivery & Return:
- Dhaka 2-3 days, Outside 3-5 days, COD
- 100% Authentic products, Easy Return
Hand+Body Glowing Regimen (3 in 1 Combo)
Benefits of this Product
- গ্লো বডি স্ক্রাব – বডি স্কিনের ৩ স্তর ভেতর থেকে স্কিনকে ব্রাইট করবে।
- জোজোবা অয়েল – স্কিনকে ময়েশ্চারাইজ করে সতেজ রাখবে ও স্কিন টেক্সচার ইমপ্রুভ করবে।
- মরিঙ্গা অয়েল – এন্টি পলিউশন শিল্ড হিসেবে কাজ করে স্কিনকে দেয় ইয়ংগার লুক।
Delivery & Return:
- Dhaka 2-3 days, Outside 3-5 days, COD
- 100% Authentic products, Easy Return
Complete Skin Brightening Routine (4-in-1 Combo)

Benefits of this Product
- ভিটামিন সি ক্লিঞ্জার – ভিটামিন-সি এর নির্যাসে নিন ডিপ ক্লিনজিং ও গ্লোয়িং স্কিন।
- ব্রাইটেনিং প্যাক – মুলতানী মাটি, কস্তুরি টারমেরিক ও স্যান্ডালউডের নির্যাসে স্কিন হবে স্পটলেস ও ব্রাইট।
- রোজ ওয়েল – পিওর রোজ এক্সট্র্যাক্টে নিন ৪৮ ঘন্টা ডিপ ময়েশ্চারাইজেশন সাথে ডার্ক সার্কেল করুন ভ্যানিস।
- রোজ মিস্ট টোনার – সুদিং রোজ ওয়াটারের সাথে নিন জেন্টেল এক্সফোলিয়েশন ও ইভেনটোন স্কিন।
Delivery & Return:
- Dhaka 2-3 days, Outside 3-5 days, COD
- 100% Authentic products, Easy Return
Complete Pimple Cure Solution (4 in 1 Combo)

Benefits of this Product
- এলোভেরা জেল ক্লিঞ্জার – একনি প্রণ সেনসিটিভ স্কিনকে ডিপলি ক্লিন করে।
- একনি মাস্ক – পিম্পল ও ফাঙ্গাল একনি দূর করে।
- টি ট্রি ওয়েল – ব্যাক্টেরিয়া দূর করে একনি ফিরে আসা রোধ করে।
- রোজ মিস্ট টোনার – স্কিনকে এক্সফোলিয়েট করে ও সুদিং ইফেক্ট দেয়।
Delivery & Return:
- Dhaka 2-3 days, Outside 3-5 days, COD
- 100% Authentic products, Easy Return
Quick Acne Cure (3 in 1 Combo)
Benefits of this Product
- একনি কিওর মাস্ক – পিম্পল ও ফাঙ্গাল একনি দূর করে।
- টি ট্রি অয়েল – ব্যাক্টেরিয়া দূর করে একনি ফিরে আসা রোধ করে।
- রোজ মিস্ট টোনার – স্কিনকে এক্সফোলিয়েট করে ও সুদিং ইফেক্ট দেয়।
Delivery & Return:
- Dhaka 2-3 days, Outside 3-5 days, COD
- 100% Authentic products, Easy Return
Wow the Globe with awesome organic hair care products in bd
Top hair care products in BD are brought to you by Nutripure.
Nutripure Bangladesh has put together a comprehensive selection of the best hair care products in BD to make the process a little less daunting.
Even if you like to wash and air dries your straight hair, the hair care products in bd market have never been more flooded with products for every hair structure and type. As a result, These may be the must-have items for your complete hair care regimen. Nutripure Bangladesh’s pure and cruelty-free natural hair care and conditioning products will keep your hair looking and feeling better than ever, even while you’re sleeping. A lot of conventional hair oils and serums include potentially harmful ingredients like parabens, phthalates, and hair-irritating scents, all of which may cause harm to the delicate skin on our scalps. With Nutripure, that may no longer be the case. It is our opinion that your hair enhances your appearance both now and in the future. What you put on your body and hair is important to us. Each of our hair care products in bd is developed with superb hair-loving components for all of your beauty needs. Nature is a multitasker, which is why Nutripure offers natural hair care products for your hair and scalp just because we feel that your hair is what makes you so bold, so stylish, and so you!
Introducing a comprehensive line of quality, non-toxic, chemical-free natural hair care products in BD
Nutripure is a firm believer that healthy-looking hair starts with products manufactured with only the purest, most effective components. Meet the essentials for moisturizing, revitalizing, and rejuvenating your hair.
We’ve got you covered with all-natural scalp infection solutions and hair care products in bd that range from natural hair loss treatments to hair growth and anti-dandruff remedies. Additionally, we will give you only the best ingredients for a natural beauty routine derived straight from Mother Earth. We are offering all these best hair care products in bd all at an affordable price. We make it easy to identify your optimal hair care regimen based on your hair type and primary concern, so you can be certain that the products you purchase are the best match.
Organic Hair Oil
It is Nutripure’s Nourishing best hair oil in Bangladesh that gives the most efficient and powerful nourishment for your hair. With the aid of our Organic Hair Oils, you may receive the best hair treatment in Bangladesh for any hair and scalp concerns you may be experiencing. Only to let you know, Amla Oil has been shown to minimize hair loss by 60-80% in just one month. On the other hand, our Organic Joba Oil has been proven to be the best hair growth oil in Bangladesh that encourages the growth of baby hair on the scalp in a short amount of time. We provide a large selection of organic hair oils for a variety of purposes, including hair damage repair, dandruff treatment, scalp health boost, as well as a hair shine and volume enhancement. Our hair oil range has been meticulously crafted to fulfill all of your needs since your gorgeous scalp deserves only the finest products.
Pure & Natural Organic Hair Masks
A variety of vitamin, nutritional, and antioxidant-rich hair care products are available in Nutripure Bangladesh, as well as hair masks that are easy to apply. It will help you stop hair loss as soon as possible by strengthening your strands with Nutripure’s greatest anti-hair fall Mask. Get relief from the itching caused by dandruff and fungal infections on your scalp. These natural hair masks may be used on all types of flaky, malnourished, and dull-looking hair to replace nutrients and moisture, as well as on damaged hair. If you do this, you will be able to keep your lovely locks for as long as you like.
Organic Shampoo
Our Nutripure Organic Shampoo supplies your hair with the nutrients it needs to grow and maintain a healthy appearance. Energizing essences of dewy white nectarine and scrumptious pear are mixed with virgin-pressed olive oil, olive leaf extracts, and coconut milk to create this wonderful treat. When it comes to washing your hair, strengthening it, and protecting it from the sun’s damaging rays, this sulfate-free solution is ideal.
No matter what time of day or night it is, you can keep your scalp clean by using Nutripure’s best BD hair care products. Take advantage of our hair cleansers, which are ideal for all hair types and will give you a faultless au naturel appearance. You’ll notice that your hair is silky and shiny after using them since they remove debris and grease.
Organic Hair Serum
Choosing an all-around outstanding serum that is suitable for all hair types is easiest with us. Nutripure’s original formula is made up entirely of natural ingredients that are designed to smooth and condition the skin. Do you have any reservations about how things will turn out? Hair that is shiny and healthy-looking, and that not only looks nice but also feels wonderful. It may be used daily or if your hair needs a little extra TLC.
Nutripure aspires to be one of the best hair care brands in bd
As a company, Nutripure Bangladesh is proud of its beginnings, which include creating unique scientifically based haircare formulas developed from farm-sourced components and fed by the elements. Pure, powerful ingredients that are specifically tailored to your hair type.
Everything we do is based on ensuring that you have a safe and enjoyable experience when you use one of our products or services. We are committed to openness and transparency, and we are glad to provide the exact contents of each bottle. Every dish was created with you in mind, and you must realize this. We have put a great deal of effort into making sure that every component in our products has passed comprehensive safety testing and is included to aid you in getting the best possible result by caring for your hair and scalp.
Nutripure’s haircare products are all blended with our exclusive botanical mix, which is found nowhere else. Infusing required moisture into hair makes it less susceptible to breakage and split ends, resulting in less brittle hair. Colour-safe and pH-balanced, these amazing hair products infuse your hair with notes of vibrant coconut, a bouquet, and Ayurveda, leaving it smooth, silky, and smelling delicious!
Nutripure’s objective is to produce conscious beauty while also being one of the leading manufacturers of hair care products in bd, according to the company. To produce clean, intelligent meals, we utilize products derived from farms that are committed to ethical sourcing. Nutripure Makes a Commitment to a More Sustainable Beauty.
Active compounds that are clean and sustainable
We exclusively use natural and organic plant-based ingredients in the production of our products. No dangerous components or harsh ingredients are used in the production of any Nutripure product. Keep your scalp moisturized and nourished with our haircare collection, which contains a broad spectrum of clean and safer products such as organic hair oils, hair masks, shampoos, and serums, as well as everything else you could want or need.
Biocompatible with all kinds of scalps, naturally
Immature graying, oily scalp, hair loss, dull hair, discoloration, scalp breakouts, hair damage, slow hair growth, shineless and fizzy hair are all conditions that may be addressed with natural components and novel formulations developed via scientific study. They’re all non-comedogenic, which means they’re suitable for use on any kind of hair. The use of environmentally friendly hair care products is becoming more popular. Take a peek at the services and products we have available.
There are no additional secret components
Nutripure’s haircare and clean beauty products are free of potentially dangerous or dubious components, allowing you to feel confident in the products you use daily. When we say “clean,” we mean that our recipes are free of any of the more than 1,800 problematic ingredients that make up their composition. To assure the safety of our goods, we only employ ingredients that fulfill our stringent industry-wide requirements.
Results That Have Been Clinically Proven for True Transformation
Some people feel that to have great haircare that generates obvious results, they must sacrifice some of the ingredients. Our all-natural hair care products in bd and wellness supplements may significantly enhance the health and texture of your hair while avoiding the hazardous chemical compounds that are often included in traditional treatments. Alternatively, natural hair care products make use of the best ingredients found in nature, such as nourishing plant oils, herbal extracts, and antioxidant-rich fruit extracts, to promote vitality and sustain healthy hair. As a result of scientific research and tests conducted with volunteer participants, we’ve put together this line of scientifically proven, effective products that will wow you with their genuine transformation and long-term solutions for naturally maintaining beautiful hair.
Explore the most effective hair treatments available in Bangladesh
Your daily habits, in reality, have a significant impact on the appearance of the hair you see when you look in the mirror. If you want to have great hair, it isn’t only a matter of genetics. However, depending on which product reviews you read or whose doctors you see, there is a confusing diversity of ideas on anything from how to minimize hair loss to how to protect yourself from annoying dandruff or fungal infections, to name a few topics of discussion. A matter of personal feeling arises once again in the realm of haircare. To begin a hair care routine, you are likely to have some questions, such as: How many haircare products should you use? and How often should you wash your hair? In which ones do you find the greatest match for your unique hair type? Which goods should you use first, and then which ones should you use last? And what precisely do the various components accomplish? In consultation with our caring and competent nutritionists, we can provide a hair care regimen that is adapted to your needs and consists of Nutripure’s great and best organic hair care products in bd for men and women.